How To Detox Your Wardrobe: January 2022

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January is the month in which fresh starts and new beginnings make their mark. A new year is prime time for reflection and re-evaluation - particularly when it comes to what’s in our wardrobes. With party season behind us and a new year ahead, albeit uncertain - it’s time to de-clutter, reorganise, and re-assess our wardrobe space. However you choose to clear out the old to make room for the new - we’ve got you covered. From what to get rid of to what to buy - here are our top tips for tackling the ultimate wardrobe detox, so you can start your year the right way.

Evaluate Your Personal Style

The last 21 months have been turbulent to say the least. With lock-down compounding the lounge-wear look - comfort has become the prime objective of many consumers. So, when you are in the midst of editing your wardrobe, ensure that you take the time to reflect on how your style has changed over the past year. You might have a new go-to-look or you may have been holding onto pieces that just simply aren’t worn. Don’t be afraid to be brutal during your clear-out! Remember - the bigger the detox, the bigger the revamp.

Gather Your Staples And Basics

Every fashion-lover knows that a good wardrobe has a solid collection of basics and staples. By this, we mean your go-to-garments that you can just throw on interchangeably from season to season. When conducting your wardrobe detox, going forward your aim should be to shop less and buy better. Focus on classic, timeless pieces that will stand the test of time. Whether it be tailored coats or transitional knits - always purchase items that you can wear in a multitude of ways. By viewing fashion as an investment, you will undoubtedly shop more sustainably whilst thinking carefully about the pieces that you buy. Opt for mix and match options, neutral colours, and layering pieces as a starting point - once you have gathered a staple selection, you can start adding a few key “trend” pieces to change it up.

Extend The Life-cycle Of Your Clothing

Now, once you have decided what to chuck and what to keep - this begs the question of how you get rid of your clothing in a way that is both efficient and sustainable. Re-sale should be at the forefront of your mind when it comes to a wardrobe detox. Whether you donate your items to a secondhand store, sell the items privately via Depop or Ebay, or simply give them to charity - there are several ways to recycle your clothing. Not only does this benefit the environment, but by choosing to resell you are more likely to shop secondhand as well.

Written by

Liv Leftwich

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