Sourcing luxury and hard to find handbags in London

Are you looking for that perfect bag that you missed out on buying new? We are delighted to share with you our luxury handbag sourcing service. Whether it is a hard to find Hermès Birkin, Hermès Kelly or a limited edition Chanel, have confidence in the specialist SOTT bag sourcers.

Due to many luxury houses restricting the supply of new handbags they can be incredibly hard to find on the new market. Therefore, if you are looking for a particular colour or style from seasons past, often the second hand market is the place to find them.

Having been in the business since 1976 you can trust SOTT to find you the bag of your dreams. We authenticate using the latest machine learning technology and are here to take all the stress out of what should be a truly enjoyable and luxurious purchase. You, of course, can also pop into our Chelsea store to inspect the bag in person and have a truly lovely VIP experience.

How we work for specific handbag finding is simple. You let us know what luxury bag you are trying to find. We take a deposit in the form of a finders fee which is refundable if we have not managed to find a bag to your specification or similar within 3 months. Once we find the item we will purchase it on your behalf, handle all of the international shipping, authentication and have it ready for you in-store or for onward shipment. If you are interested in this and for all the finer details please do feel free to contact us.

We can work with you over Whatsapp, video call or simply via email or text. Our job is to make your sourcing journey as simple as possible. Examples of the types of bags we can source are: Hermès bags both new and used in various colours and leathers. Chanel bags including most classic current and vintage styles. Other select bags. Please note that often when trying to source a rare bag you will be paying over the original retail price. If you are simply looking for a nice secondhand bag with a good saving, then the best way to find this is by making sure you’re following us on Instagram and by signing up to our regular emails.

Let our SOTT sourcing begin!

Written by

Susie Franklin

Published at